Sunday, December 07, 2008

Monthly Update for December 2008

Our Facebook group, Build a school in Africa, continues its rapid growth. We now have over 300 memebers. Thanks to all who have joined so far and please keep inviting your friends to join us! Raising awareness of our project is the key to our venture to build a school in Zambia being a success.One thing I love about our group is that the vast majority of our members are between 14 and 25. Mandela famously said that “Sometimes it falls upon a generation to be great. You can be that great generation. Let your greatness blossom.” In supporting this venture your greatness is certainly blossoming and will help to empower a generation of Zambian children to themselves to blossom.

Our fundraising ventures are still in their infancy but wheels are certainly in motion. The students at St Bendict's Catholic College have continued to raise funds for our charity, the Thembinkosi Foundation. Thanks guys. Keep up the good work and all the best with your upcoming fashion show! Year 10 students at Saints Peter and Paul Catholic College have also got involved in raising awareness and fundraising for the Thembinkosi Foundation and our projects. They have even set up a group on MySpace to promote our venture.

Please join the group:

The Thembinkosi Foundation now has a Bank Account and as such can receive donations! Please make a donation, set up a Standing Order, encourage your parents/guardians, brothers and sisters to do the same. Our older members (like myself!) could seek the support of their employers? Perhaps you might think of supporting the Thembinksosi Foundation this Christmas?

Bank Account details:Account: Thembinkosi Foundation
Bank: Barclays Bank
Sort Code: 205094
Account Number: 63226387

You can make a donation online, at any Barclays bank or at any Post Office.