ZAW has a proud record of being involved in the on going task of advocacy for women's rights as human rights, gender sensitisation and in raising awareness in Zambia of CEDAW (The Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women.) Mrs Lubinda Tafira of ZAW addressed the World Summit for Sustainable Development speaking on the theme of Partnerships with the Rural Poor.
Despite struggling for funding ZAW did receive the gift of a bus during its early years. The bus was donated the University Teaching Hospital's Maternity Ward in Lusaka to provide transport for discharged mothers. The vehicle served UHT for over 10 years!
ZAW has done much work in improving the educational chances of young rural Zambians. Pre-Schools in Chongwe, Chibombo and Suziman have been developed so that children are now educated at Primary level as well.
ZAW has developed agro-forestry programmes in Chongwe and Chibombo. This has led to the planting of trees to be used as wind breaks, as well as providing fuel, shade and fruit. The nursery tree projects are also an income generating activity for member groups.
Furthermore, ZAW has spearheaded the SADC regional rural industries study to promote rural industries such as pottery, basketry, beer brewing, baking, fish processing and the production of energy saving stoves.
ZAW has also promoted household fuel security through the establishment of seed multiplication and crop diversification projects and sustainable agricultural farming methods at village level.
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